Sunday, March 20, 2016


This blog will have Slices of Life from students in middle school classes at The Logan School in Denver, CO. This year, I'm managing the Slice of Life Classroom Challenge for three classes of middle school students who are choosing to participate!

Congratulations to everyone in The Little Mermaid!  What an amazing show!

Prompt: Describe a skill you have and use every day, or many days. Perhaps it's how you braid you hair, or get what you want from your sibling, or pen twirling like in the video below. Write about how you got so skilled.

Slicers! Take a moment, before publishing each post, to read through them aloud and correct any glaring typos or grammatical errors. 

Cheers and happy slicing!

Here is the code to link up
<a href="url">text</a> 

In the comments below:
1. Replace the url (keeping the quotation marks) with the link to your blog post. Make sure to go to the page of your blog post first before coping the address.
2. Replace text with the title of your blog post.